Abrasive belts on canvas

We make canvas sanding belts custom from all quality sanding grains, for every purpose and on the following canvas backings (on different surfaces):

Abrasive belts made of canvas are custom made in all dimensions from all qualities of abrasive grain for every purpose. Sanding strips for wood, parquet, stainless steel, aluminum, glass, stone, gus, non-ferrous metals, etc.

Depending on the purpose, the working conditions, the strength of the substrate and the flexibility of the sanding belt, we produce on the following types of canvas:

    • YR extra stiff synthetic canvas stitch bonded waterproof
    • Z very strong synthetic canvas waterproof
    • YX heavily mix Polyester + polycotton waterproof canvas
    • Y strong semi-rigid synthetic canvas waterproof
    • X very semi-flexible
    • X-flex very flexible
    • J slightly flexible
    • J-flex Slightly very flexible
    • J-flex-W slightly extra flexible

If you have questions or are unsure about choosing one of our products, feel free to contact us.

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass / Copper, Titanium, Wood, Parquet, Paint / Kit / Varnish, Leather, Glass / Stone, Plastic / Composites

Uses: Metal, Brass / Copper, Wood, Parquet, Paint / Kit / Varnish, Leather, Plastic / Composites

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass / Copper, Titanium, Wood, Parquet, Paint / Kit / Varnish, Plastic / Composites

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass / Copper, Wood, Paint / Kit / Varnish

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass / Copper, Wood

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass / Copper, Wood, Parquet, Paint / Kit / Varnish, Leather, Plastic / Composites

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass / Copper

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass / Copper

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass / Copper, Wood, Parquet

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass / Copper

Uses: Metal, Titanium, Glass / Stone, Plastic / Composites

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass / Copper, Titanium

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass / Copper, Titanium

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass / Copper, Titanium

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass / Copper, Titanium

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Titanium

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass / Copper, Titanium

Uses: Metal, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass / Copper, Wood, Parquet, Paint / Kit / Varnish, Leather, Plastic / Composites